Invited by Lonely Whale to craft a visual and synergic identity that would reflect their evolution from an emergent non-profit platform into a mission-driven collective. A thoughtful conversation between Tom Ford, Estée Lauder, and Lonely Whale spawned a platform with a purpose — remove ocean plastics from the world. With their new story, identity and voice, Lonely Whale found its way to restoring the ocean and empowering innovators using marine-safe materials to save Earth.
Invited by Lonely Whale to craft a visual and synergic identity that would reflect their evolution from an emergent non-profit platform into a mission-driven collective. A thoughtful conversation between Tom Ford, Estée Lauder, and Lonely Whale spawned a platform with a purpose — remove ocean plastics from the world. With their new story, identity and voice, Lonely Whale found its way to restoring the ocean and empowering innovators using marine-safe materials to save Earth.
TOM FORD, Estée Lauder,
Lonely Whale
Creative Director
TOM FORD, Estée Lauder,
Lonely Whale
Creative Director